Shadow a Student Committed to Experiences Visitors should arrive 10-15 minutes early and sign in at the front office.Parents may pick up their son/daughter in the front office at the end of the time shadowing.Students should bring a sack lunch and may purchase milk for $ .50.Student must wear dress clothes: dress pants with nice shirt/sweater etc. Only modest clothing will beallowed.Thank you for your interest. We look forward to meeting you! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Your Student *FirstLastPresent Grade *School currently attending *I, the parent/guardian of the above named student, give my permission for him/her to participate in the shadowing program at GRACE. *YesParent First Name *FirstLastEmail *Cell Number *Emergency Contact *Emergency Contact Number *Medical Information if applicableReason for shadowing *When would you like your student to shadow? * *Additional Info about potential student (including interests, personality, academic inclinations, hobbies) *MessageSubmit